Varmint Hunt

The Varmint Hunt (VBS 2015)


The 2015 VBS/Camp Package

LESSONS ARE EXCELLENT as Stand-Alone Lessons/Message anytime!

1 Peter 1: 14-16 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance; But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

A VBS/Camp or Bible Lesson Series to emphasize Holiness.


  • THE SNIPE HUNT [Everyone's FAVORITE applied visual/activity]
  • Logistics and Synopsis
  • Two Devotional Workbooks
  • Crafts, Activities, Worksheets attached in Little Wranglers
  • Totally FUN Melodrama: Pursued by a Predator
  • Puppet Scripts

Varmint Hunt Logistics & Synopsis
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varmint hunt fb logoThe Varmint Hunt Logistics & Information:

  • Suggested Detailed Time Rotation Schedule
  • Suggested Stations
  • Half-Day; One Day; or Four Day Setups
  • LOTS of Details
  • Synopsis Included

Pursued by a Predator
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varmint hunt fb logoPursued by a Predator:

  • Four Scene Skit featuring Bobbi Jo & Scooter
  • FUNNY!
  • Camo & Hunting Scenes/Scenarios
  • Lost in the Woods
  • Repentance Junction
  • Matthew 7:13-14
  • Originally written to coincide with The Varmint Hunt VBS/Camp Series

Varmint Puppet Scripts
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varmint hunt fb logoFour Separate & Distinct Puppet Scripts:

  • Hog Wild Hunt
  • Birds of a Feather
  • The Sly Fox Trot
  • Dragon Breath!

Written to coincide with The Varmint Hunt Series.

Excellent Stand-Alones!

Little FoxVarmint Hunt Lessons ages 4 years & 5 years:

  • Hog Wild
  • Wild Goose Chase
  • Little Foxes Spoil the Vines
  • Dealing with the Dragon

Lessons include Crafts, Activities, Worksheets.

Each Lesson can STAND-ALONE & makes an excellent Lesson or Series.

Hogwild HogVarmint Hunt Lessons Ages 1st-6th Grades:

  • Hog Wild
  • Wild Goose Chase
  • Little Foxes Spoil the Vine
  • Dealing with the Dragon

Suggest Using the Varmint Hunting Manual for 1st-6th Grade Levels as a Supplement.

Each of these Lessons is excellent as a Stand-Alone Lesson or as a Series.

Dragon ClipartVarmint Hunt Lessons Ages 7th Grade through Adults:

  • Hog Wild
  • Wild Goose Chase
  • Little Foxes Spoil the Vine
  • Dealing with the Dragon

Suggest Supplement of Varmint Hunting Manual for 7th Grade & Older.

Each of these Lessons are EXCELLENT as Stand-Alone Messages!

Varmint Hunt Booklet YoungerVarmint Hunt Workbook - 1st - 6th Grade (Print Version)

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 ½ x 11 sheets.

A nicer result is achieved if you use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Back to Back Varmint Hunting Manual pages 6-3 runs back to back with pages 4-5 [Center Pages with Puzzle].
  • Back to Back Varmint Hunting Manual pages 8-1 runs back to back with pages 2-7.
  • Back to Back Varmint Hunting Manual Cover runs on Card Stock back to back with Flip of Cover “ How to Know”

Assembly Instructions:

  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half. Crossword page will be the center fold.
  3. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.

Varmint Hunt Booklet YoungerPDF version of Varmint Hunt  - Workbook for 1st to 6th Grade optimized for viewing.

Printing and Assembly Instructions See in Print Version.

Varmint Hunt Booklet OlderVarmint Hunt Workbook - 7th Grade to Adult (Print Version)

Sheets can be double sided run to use only three 8 ½ x 11 sheets.

A nicer result is achieved if you use card stock for the Cover.

Layout is as follows:

  • Back to Back Varmint Hunt Manual pages 6-3 runs back to back with pages 4-5 [Center Pages with Puzzle].
  • Back to Back Varmint Hunt Manual pages 8-1 runs back to back with pages 2-7.
  • Back to Back Varmint Hunting Manual Cover runs on Card Stock back to back with Flip of Cover “ How to Know”

Assembly Instructions:

  1. Place on a flat surface so that cover will be on the outside.
  2. Place pages so that numerical sequences will be in order once folded in half. Crossword page will be the center fold.
  3. Simply staple in the center fold with a long reach stapler.

Varmint Hunt Booklet OlderPDF version of Varmint Hunt  - Workbook for 7th Grade to Adult optimized for viewing.

Printing & Assembly Instructions See in Printing Version.




War Heroes 2

War Heroes 2

fantasy 0944

More War Heroes - Little Wranglers

Lessons include:
  • Purple Heart
  • Weapons of Warfare [Two Lessons]
  • Operation: REBUILD
  • Medal of Honor [Two Lessons]
  • Last Man Standing
  • Defining Moment
  • Covert Operation

fantasy 0944Purple Heart

Stephen sees Jesus STANDING instead of seated at the right hand of the Father as Stephen is giving his life in service. What a tribute!

  • Craft Activity included.
  • One of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Also available in Wranglers, Teens, & Adults.

fantasy 0944Weapons of Warfare [Two Separate Lessons]

Peter goes from using a sword to the Spirit as his choice of weapons in the spiritual warfare.

  • Color Sheets included.
  • Two Lessons of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Also available in Wranglers, Teens, & Adults.

fantasy 0944Operation Rebuild

Nehemiah rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem with a shovel in one hand and a sword in the other.

  • Craft Activity included.
  • One of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Also available in Wranglers, Teens, & Adults.

fantasy 0944Medal of Honor [Two Lessons]

John the Baptist earns the Medal of Honor.

  • Craft Activity included.
  • One of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Also available in Wranglers, Teens, & Adults.

fantasy 0944Last Man Standing

Noah takes a stand.

  • Craft Activity included.
  • One of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Also available in Wranglers, Teens, & Adults.

fantasy 0944Defining Moment

Jacob changes to Israel in one Defining Moment.

  • Craft Activity included.
  • One of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Also available in Wranglers, Teens, & Adults.

fantasy 0944Covert Operation

Three Special Forces Troops break through enemy lines to retrieve water from the Bethlehem well.

  • 2 Samuel 23.
  • Craft Activity included.
  • One of Nine Lessons in War Heroes Two.
  • Also available in Wranglers, Teens, & Adults.

Wildfire Series


wildfirelogoWildfire! --Little Wranglers Lessons

Bronc Riding Relationship Series.

Four Age Levels; Six Lessons; Free
  • Relationship to God's Family
  • Biblical Relationships in World Culture
  • Battling the Culture: Spiritual Battles
  • Balancing within World Culture
  • Relationship to Friends
  • Relationship to Immediate Family

 Available in Little Wranglers, Wranglers, Teen, and Adults

smokey cowhorse 0013WILDFIRE Relationships Series: Six Lessons plus Activity/Worksheets for Little Wranglers.

Additional age levels available including Wranglers, Teen Wranglers, & Adults.

Lessons include:

  • Relationship to God's Family
  • Biblical Relationships in World Culture
  • Battling the Culture: Spiritual Battles
  • Balancing within World Culture
  • Relationship with Friends
  • Relationship with Immediate Family.