Wrangler Church
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Children & Salvation
"But Jesus called them unto him, & said, "Suffer little children to come unto me, & forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God."

Luke 18:16

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Over 50 Lesson Series including 660+ Lessons; Plus Stand-Alones, 12 VBS/Camp Packages, Melodramas, Puppet Scripts, & Devotionals.

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ELEVEN Presentation Style Wrangler Women's Bible Studies online...

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NEW 2025 VBS/Camp/Series

...for such a Time as this...
Training Slides & VIdeo
Wrangler Church TRAINING slides on 7 subjects!

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Take Home Follow-Up

Take Home Follow-Up

Tri-fold easily printed on two sides & folded into three parts.

Presents to the parent Salvation, Baptism, Assurance.

Salvation as presented to the child;

Baptism as we leave with the parent as a guide for the child's baptism;

Assurance verses to reinforce.

File Name: Take_Home_Follow-up.pdf
File Size: 592.57 KB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 8100 Hits
Created Date: 11-18-2014
Last Updated Date: 01-18-2015


I was a bus kid from the projects over 20 years ago and now I am a youth leader.

I would just like to say a big thank you to Brother Ron & Francine. I was a bus kid from the projects over 20 years ago and now I am a youth leader, studying to be a youth minister. The help of the Lord and the never ending prayers of the Singleterrys have kept me grounded all these years. My life growing up was not easy, but the Lord put two positive people in my path who made a difference in a bus kid's life. Even today we still have contact with one another. The love they have for children was passed down to a bus kid from the projects, thank you. I also do puppets with my kids in Children's Church. We have a blast and I learned a lot from you both. Thank you for showing me how a real Christian should live. I will always love you and carry you close to my heart.

Your bus Kid [ from TN]
Karen Furches

Wrangler Kids